We understand that time is money in business, that’s why we created Hostio.
Hostio is a readymade web hosting template for immediate use — created as straight forward as it can be. It’s built with modern and contemporary ui design.
If you are struggling with customising your own website between hundreds of demos and components, or paying a lot of money to get an amazing, customised website, Hostio is the solution for you.
- HTML5 Animation ( customisable icons )
- CSS3 & Bootstrap 3
- Grid System and Responsive Design
- Retina ready ( High quality design )
- Designed with “io design”
- Trust indicators (testimonials)
- Lead gen / Call-to-action buttons
- Login/Register Pages ( Need coding )
- Customised Support page
- Customised Web Hosting page
- Great image effects
- Contact Form ( Need coding )
- Responsive Pricing Tables
- Great support!
Hostio has it all.
- Login / Register page & contact form is not functional ( not coded )
- Images are not included
Change log:
- January 9, 2017 | Include missing file “customnavbar.tpl”.
- January 3, 2017 | WHMCS 7.1 ready.
- May 18, 2017 | WHMCS 7.2.1 ready.
- May 21, 2017 | Styling bug fix – replace “styles-modified.css” file only.
- May 22, 2017 | Styling bug fix – replace “styles-modified.css” & store folder.
- June 13, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.2.2.
- Oct 5, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.3.
Files to replace:
clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareasecurity.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/invoice.css - css/styles.css - css/style.css - css/styles-modified.css - error/page-not-found.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - includes/captcha.tpl - includes/linkedaccounts.tpl - includes/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - login.tpl - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/ssl/dv.tpl - store/ssl/ev.tpl - store/ssl/index.tpl - store/ssl/ov.tpl - store/ssl/wildcard.tpl - store/weebly/index.tpl - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl
Nov 15, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.4
Files to replace:
creditcard.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/index.php - css/styles.css - error/index.php - fonts/index.php - header.tpl - img/flags.png - img/flags@2x.png - img/index.php - includes/index.php - index.php - js/index.php - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - knowledgebase.tpl - oauth/index.php - store/index.php - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/spamexperts/master.js - store/weebly/upgrade.tplTo update the “header.tpl” file without replacing it:
- Add the following code to the body tag:
data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}"To be look like this:
<body data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}"
Dec 18, 2017 Custom styling for “login and register” pages for the WHMCS. Added two custom pages for the WHMCS “About & Support” see the documentation “WHMCS Theme Installation” section, to install the custom pages
Files to replace:
- css/style.css - css/styles-modified.css - header.tpl - footer.tpl - about.tpl - support.tpl
Apr 3, 2018 | Updated for WHMCS 7.5
Files to replace:
announcements.tpl - clientareadetails.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareadomains.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/styles.css - domain-pricing.tpl - homepage.tpl - includes/head.tpl - includes/tablelist.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - store folder - subscription-manage.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl
Apr 17, 2018 Updated for WHMCS 7.5.1
Files to replace: “js/scripts.js”, “js/scripts.min.js” and the “standard cart” in the “orderforms”
Apr 24, 2018 – Bugfix
Files to replace: “standard cart”
Aug 2, 2018 – Ready for WHMCS 7.6
Files to replace:
WHMCS version: affiliates.tpl - announcements.tpl - banned.tpl - clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareadomains.tpl - clientareaemails.tpl - clientareahome.tpl - clientareainvoices.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaproducts.tpl - clientareaquotes.tpl - clientregister.tpl - contactaccessdenied.tpl - creditcard.tpl - domain-pricing.tpl - downloads.tpl - downloadscat.tpl - error/page-not-found.tpl - error/unknown-routepath.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - includes/head.tpl - includes/modal.tpl - includes/sidebar.tpl - includes/tablelist.tpl - includes/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/twitter.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - managessl.tpl - oauth/redirect.tpl - serverstatus.tpl - store/css/style.css - store/order.tpl - store/promos/upsell.tpl - store/sitelock/index.tpl - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl - store/ssl/index.tpl - store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl - store/ssl/shared/features.tpl - store/weebly/index.tpl - store/weebly/master.js - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl - subscription-manage.tpl - supportticketslist.tpl - supportticketsubmit-confirm.tpl - supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl - supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl - ticketfeedback.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl - viewemail.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - viewquote.tpl - viewticket.tpl - about.tpl - support.tpl - css folder - webfonts folder - standard_cart folder - hostio_cart folder HTML version: - All Files
3 Sep 2018 Ready for WHMCS 7.6.1
Files to replace:
- clientareacreditcard.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/styles.css - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - standard_cart folder
19 Feb 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.7.1
Files to replace:
- clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadetails.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareadomains.tpl - clientareahome.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaproducts.tpl - clientregister.tpl - contact.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/styles.css - header.tpl - includes/captcha.tpl - includes/head.tpl - invoicepdf.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - login.tpl - store/codeguard/index.tpl - store/css/style.css - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl - supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - theme.yaml - standard_cart folder
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